- 1
T.Kawahara, T.Kobayashi, K.Takeda, N.Minematsu, K.Itou, M.Yamamoto, A.Yamada,
T.Utsuro, and K.Shikano.
Japanese dictation toolkit - plug-and-play framework for speech
recognition R&D -.
In Proc. IEEE workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and
Understanding, 1999.
- 2
T.Kawahara, A.Lee, T.Kobayashi, K.Takeda, N.Minematsu, K.Itou, A.Ito,
M.Yamamoto, A.Yamada, T.Utsuro, and K.Shikano.
Japanese dictation toolkit - 1997 version -.
J. Acoust. Soc. Japan (E), Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 233-239, 1999.
- 3
T.Kawahara et al.
Sharable software repository for Japanese large vocabulary
continuous speech recognition.
In Proc. ICSLP, pp.3257-3260, 1998.
- 4
K.Itou et al.
The design of the newspaper-based Japanese large vocabulary continuous speech recognition corpus.
In Proc. ICSLP, pp.3261-3264, 1998.
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Tatsuya Kawahara