Selected papers
S. Sakai, T. Kawahara, "Decision Tree-based Training of Probabilistic
Concatenation Models for Corpus-based Speech Synthesis," Proc.Ninth
International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, September 2006.
(to appear)
S. Sakai, H. Shu, "A Probabilistic Approach to Unit Selection for
Corpus-based Speech Synthesis," Proc. 9th European Conference on
Speech Communication and Technology, Lisbon, September 2005, pp.81-84.
S. Sakai, "Additive Modeling of English F0 Contour for Speech Synthesis,"
Proc. ICASSP-2005, Philadelphia, March 2005.
S. Sakai, "Fundamental Frequency Modeling for Speech Synthesis
Based on a Statistical Learning Technique," IEICE Transactions on
Information and Systems, March 2005.
- S. Sakai, "F0 Modeling with
Multi-Layer Additive Modeling Based on a Statistical Learning
Technique," Proc. of the 5th ISCA Speech Synthesis
Workshop (SSW5), Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, June 2004, pp. 151
- 154. (pdf)
- S. Sakai and J. Glass, "Fundamental Frequency Modeling for Corpus-Based
Speech Synthesis Based on a Statistical Learning Technique," Proc. IEEE
ASRU 2003, St. Thomas, U. S. Virgin Islands, December 2003, pp. 712-717.
- Hanazawa,K. Sakai,S., "Continuous Speech Recognition with Parse Filtering,"
ICSLP-2000, Beijing.
- Watanabe,T.,Okumura,A., Sakai,S., Yamabana,K., Doi S., Hanazawa, K.,
"An Automatic Interpretation System for Travel Conversation,"
ICSLP-2000, Beijing.
- J. Glass, G. Flammia, D. Goodine, M. Phillips, J. Polifroni,
S. Sakai, S. Seneff, and V. Zue. Multilingual spoken language
understanding in the MIT VOYAGER system. Speech Communication,
17:1--18, 1995.
- J. Noguchi, S. Sakai, K. Hatazaki, K. Iso, T. Watanabe, An Automatic
Voice Dialing System developed on PC Speech I/O Platform, ICSLP-94,
- Shinsuke Sakai, "Morphological Category Bigram: A Common Language
Model for Spoken and Text Input", Intl. Symp. on Spoken Dialog, November 93,
Tokyo Japan.
- Sakai, Shinsuke, and Michael Phillips, "J-SUMMIT: Japanese
spontaneous speech recognition," Proc. EUROSPEECH-93, pp.2151-2154.
- S. Sakai and M. Phillips, "J-Summit: A Japanese Segment-Based
Speech Recognition System," Proc. ICSLP-92, pp.1515--1518.
- S.Sakai and K.Muraki, From Interlingua to Speech: Generating Prosodic
Information from Conceptual Representation, Proceedings of the 1990
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal
Processing, April, 1990.